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Spring Onion

Original price was: ₹30.00.Current price is: ₹25.00.
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Popular sweet onions include Vidalias, Walla Wallas and Mauis. “These well-known varieties have a pale yellow skin. The inside may look white but they are yellow,” says Reddin, who fields questions about onions as The Onionista. If you’re looking for an onion that tastes amazing raw in salads, relishes or chopped as a garnish, go for sweet onions. “They just have that mild onion flavor with a touch of sweetness that you can use in a number of things.” Try our tried-and-true sweet onion recipes.

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  • They also have antioxidant properties that help prevent cancer and digestive or heart diseases.
  • Onions contain high amounts of fibre and flavonoids. They can heal infections and reduces inflammation.
  • Onions are high in sulphur, vitamin B6 and B9. It has high quantities of water and naturally low in fat. It is high in phytochemical compounds.

Storage and Uses
  • Store in a cool dry place, need not refridgerate.
  • Freezing onions, soaking them under water and keeping the root intact before chopping are some methods to reduce tears while chopping them.
  • It is a versatile vegetable that can be used raw, sauteed, caramelized, roasted, deep fried, pureed or boiled as required.


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